Is 5G Worth It? The Pros, Cons, and What You Need to Know

man in a busy street holding a smartphone

You’ve probably heard whispers of a magical “5G” that promises lightning-fast internet. But with so much hype and jargon out there, you might be wondering, “Is 5G worth it for me?”

In this no-nonsense guide, we’ll cut through the noise and answer the question on everyone’s mind: Is 5G worth the upgrade? We’ll explore the real-world benefits (and drawbacks) of 5G and help you decide if it’s the right move for you.

So, What is 5G Anyway? (And Why Should You Care?)

5G sign

5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology – basically, the next step up from 4G LTE, which is what most of us are using now. Think of it like upgrading from a bicycle to a motorcycle; you’re still getting from point A to point B, but 5G does it much, much faster.

But what does that mean for you?

  • Blazing-fast speeds: 5G is capable of download speeds up to 100 times faster than 4G. This means you could download your favorite podcast in seconds, not minutes, or have a crystal-clear video call with your family across the country without any lag. These are the kind of real-world improvements 5G can offer.
  • Smoother streaming: 5G can handle more devices streaming high-quality video at the same time, which means you and everyone else in your house can stream in high definition without any interruptions.
  • Lower latency: This is the time it takes for data to travel from one point to another. With 5G, latency is significantly reduced, making online gaming and video calls feel much more responsive. You can play your favorite games on the bus, at the park, or wherever you are, without worrying about a spotty connection.
  • More capacity: 5G can handle a massive number of connected devices, which is important for the growing “Internet of Things” (IoT). This means more smart home gadgets, wearables, and other devices can connect to the internet without slowing things down.

So, 5G isn’t just about faster speeds; it’s about a whole new level of connectivity that can revolutionize how we use the internet.

5G is also powering innovations in healthcare, education, and even disaster response. For example, 5G-enabled ambulances can transmit vital patient data to hospitals in real-time, potentially saving lives.

5G’s Not-So-Sunny Side: What to Consider Before You Jump on the Bandwagon

5G tower

Okay, we’ve painted a pretty rosy picture of 5G so far. But let’s be real, no technology is perfect. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you rush to upgrade:

1. Limited Availability: While 5G is expanding rapidly, it’s still not available everywhere. Before you get too excited, check if your area has 5G coverage. Even in areas with 5G, coverage can be spotty, especially indoors or in rural areas.

2. Costly Upgrades: 5G phones and plans can be more expensive than their 4G counterparts. Consider if the benefits of 5G are worth the extra cost for your specific needs and budget.

3. Potential Battery Drain: Some early 5G phones have reported faster battery drain compared to 4G models. However, as technology improves, this issue is becoming less common.

4. Hype vs. Reality: While 5G has impressive potential, it’s important to manage your expectations. The real-world experience of 5G may not always match the hype, especially in the early stages of rollout.

Is 5G Right for You? Here’s How to Decide

a close-up of a hand holding a smartphone with a 5g signal

So, is 5G worth the hype? The answer, like most things in tech, is that it depends. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

1. Is 5G Available in Your Area?

Check with your carrier to see if they offer 5G coverage in your neighborhood. Remember, even in areas with 5G, coverage can vary depending on your location. Don’t pay extra for 5G if you’re not going to get the full benefits. Wait until the coverage improves in your area.

2. What Do You Use Your Phone For?

If you stream a lot of videos, download large files, or play online games frequently, 5G’s speed and reliability will make a noticeable difference in your experience. But, if you mainly use your phone for calls, texts, and the occasional social media scroll, you might not notice a huge difference with 5G.

3. What’s Your Budget?

5G phones and plans can be pricey. Be realistic about how much you’re willing to spend. Remember, there are more affordable 5G options becoming available all the time.

4. Are You Willing to Be an Early Adopter?

5G is still a relatively new technology, and there might be some kinks to work out. If you’re comfortable with being on the cutting edge and don’t mind the occasional hiccup, 5G could be a fun adventure.

5. What Are Your Priorities?

Is speed your top concern? Do you need better coverage? Are you excited about the possibilities of smart home devices and other 5G applications? Prioritize your needs and see if 5G aligns with them.

The 5G Landscape in North America (2024 and Beyond)

a city skyline with 5G towers and a woman using her smartphone

In 2024, 5G is becoming more widespread across North America, but it’s still a work in progress. Major carriers like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile in the U.S., and Rogers, Bell, and Telus in Canada, are all expanding their 5G networks. However, coverage varies significantly depending on your location.

  • Urban areas: Generally have better coverage, with 5G often available in downtown cores and major neighborhoods.
  • Suburban and rural areas: May have more limited 5G access, or rely on slower versions of 5G technology.
  • Indoor coverage: This can be a challenge, as 5G signals don’t penetrate buildings as well as 4G.

The good news is that 5G is rapidly expanding, and coverage is expected to improve significantly in the coming years. So, even if 5G isn’t perfect in your area yet, it’s worth keeping an eye on its progress.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of 5G (If You Decide to Upgrade)

Galaxy Z Fold smartphone

Photo credit:

If you do decide to take the plunge into the world of 5G, here are a few tips to ensure a smooth and satisfying experience:

1. Choose the Right Plan: Compare plans from different carriers to find one that offers good 5G coverage in your area and fits your budget. Also, consider your data needs. If you’re a heavy user, you’ll want a plan with plenty of 5G data.

2. Get a 5G-Compatible Phone: Not all phones support 5G. Make sure you choose a device that’s compatible with your carrier’s 5G network. Research different models and read reviews to find one that meets your needs and budget. If you’re ready to upgrade, check out our latest guide on the Best 5G Smartphones in 2024 to find the perfect device for your needs.

3. Keep Your Phone Updated: Software updates often improve 5G performance and battery life. Make sure your phone is running the latest software to get the most out of your 5G experience.

4. Optimize Your Settings: Some 5G phones have settings that can help you conserve battery life or prioritize speed over battery life. Experiment with these settings to find the right balance for your usage patterns.

5. Be Patient: 5G is still a work in progress. You might encounter some hiccups or spotty coverage in certain areas. Just remember, technology takes time to perfect.

5G vs 4G (LTE) comparison table

A few additional notes:

  • The speed and latency figures are theoretical maximums and may vary in real-world conditions.
  • Costs can fluctuate depending on carriers and specific plans.
  • Coverage maps can help you determine the availability of 5G in your area.

The Bottom Line: Is 5G Worth It?

a shiny smartphone with a glowing 5g sign - is 5G worth it?

There you have it – the 5G lowdown, without the tech jargon headache. Is 5G worth it? Well, like most things in life (and tech), the answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all.

Here’s the deal:

If you crave lightning-fast downloads, buttery-smooth streaming, and lag-free gaming, and you live in an area with good 5G coverage: Then, yes, 5G might be your new best friend.

If you’re mainly using your phone for the basics and are happy with your current 4G speeds, or if 5G isn’t available where you live: Then, hey, stick with what works! No need to rush into anything.

The Golden Rule: Do Your Homework

Before you make any decisions, channel your inner tech detective. Check those coverage maps, compare prices like a sport, and read reviews of 5G phones and plans. Most importantly, think about how you use your phone and what features are most important to you.

Remember, the tech world never sleeps. Even if 5G isn’t the right fit for you today, it might be worth another look down the road as the technology becomes more widespread and affordable.

The Future is Bright (and Speedy)

No matter what you decide, one thing’s for sure: the future of wireless is looking pretty awesome. 5G is just the beginning of a whole new world of connectivity that could change everything from how we work to how we have fun. So, whether you’re team 5G or team 4G (for now!), get ready to enjoy the ride!

Remember, technology is constantly evolving. Even if 5G isn’t right for you right now, it might be worth revisiting in the future as the technology becomes more widespread and affordable.


Is 5G just a faster version of 4G, or is there more to it?

While 5G is undoubtedly faster, it’s not just about speed. It’s also about lower latency (less lag), greater capacity (more devices connected), and a foundation for future technologies like self-driving cars and smart cities.

Will 5G make my phone battery drain faster?

Early 5G phones did have some battery drain issues, but newer models have improved significantly. Plus, many 5G phones have “smart battery” features that optimize power usage based on your activity.

Is 5G safe? Are there any health risks associated with it?

This is a big question on everyone’s mind. Major health organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) say there’s no evidence that 5G signals cause any harm at current exposure levels. The radio waves used by 5G are similar to those used by previous generations of wireless technology and fall within safe exposure limits. So, while research is ongoing, it’s generally considered safe.

Are there any hidden costs or downsides to 5G that I should be aware of?

It’s true that 5G plans and devices can be more expensive than 4G options. And while 5G is expanding rapidly, coverage may still be limited in certain areas. Do your research and weigh the pros and cons based on your individual needs and budget.

What is the difference between 5G and Wi-Fi?

Think of it like this: 5G is your phone’s connection to the outside world, while Wi-Fi is your home’s private internet party. 5G is a cellular network that lets you browse, stream, and call from wherever you are, while Wi-Fi is a local wireless network that connects your devices to the internet within a limited range (like your home or office).

Do I need a new phone for 5G?

Yes, you do! Unfortunately, your trusty old phone won’t be able to join the 5G party. You’ll need a 5G-compatible device to tap into those lightning-fast speeds. But hey, that’s a great excuse for a phone upgrade, right?

Can I use 5G on my current data plan?

That depends on your carrier. Some carriers might automatically include 5G access in your existing plan, while others might require you to switch to a specific 5G plan. It’s best to check with your carrier to see what your options are.